- 说明
- 作者:优考试晓果
- 分类:Help Desk
- 点击数:14630
In previous article: Create Exams, we know how to create a exam and fill in the basic information a exam need, Here now, we will continue to finishing the exam creation, we will add some questions to the exam. We can simply select questions from the question bank and add it to the exam, also we can add a new question to the exam, here is how.
Add questions from question bank to the exam
Click the button to show the interface to add question, the interface looks like the following:
At the top of the dialog, there are four UI component, the first one is , which can add new questions to the exam,
and following with , the filter by question type, which hover on your mouse will display a select menu showed the available question types,
You can select the question type which to filter your questions.
Filter by Question category, with which you can filter your question by the categories, move your mouse over that filter, will show the available categories
when you select a category, this dialog will only display questions with the category.
Also, if you don’t know the question or the question category, but know some key words on the question, you can type the keywords at search box to search for your questions
When your question displayed at the questions list, you can click on the question item, it will be directly added to the exam. When the question added to the exam successfully, the background color of the question item will the changed to orange.
At the bottom of the dialog, there may be a pagination bar if there a many questions, you can navigate to find the question you want to added to.
Add new questions to the exam
Also, if you have no question suitable for this exam, you can add new question right now, just by click the new question button at top of the dialog.
You will need to fill in some more fields to add the question, like the question title, question options, the right answer, and other information.
You can change the question type by click the buttons at the top of the new question interface.
After finish add questions to the exam, close this dialog, you added questions will listed at the table,
You can now click on the next button to do some settings.